The Inspire EdVentures Podcast

Episode 5: The Inspiration for Nacho House Cat, a Children's Book About Jaguars!

Eric Weber, Dave Cox, Michael Windelspecht Season 2 Episode 5

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Welcome to Season 2, which we are calling Sharing Science! In this episode we meet with Ashley Moseley, who is not only a member of our IE team, but the author of a new children's book on jaguars! Inspired by her work with jaguar education and conservation projects between IE and the Belize Zoo, Ashley set out to build a children's book to bring the science of jaguars to kids! The result is Nacho House Cat, and in this episode Ashley explains her inspiration and hopes for this fun-filled science-based book about why Jaguars belong in the jungle, not your home!

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IE is an organization formed by teachers and scientists with a passion for developing inspirational stories about people and organizations involved in wildlife conservation and education.

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Hi everyone This is Michael and I am thrilled to be here to be watching the second season of the inspired adventures podcast. And this season we're calling it Sharing Science, And today we have a really great example of of a project that is sharing science with the general public. I'm here today with Ashley Mosley who is not only the marketing director for inspired adventures where you probably heard her voice on podcasts and you've definitely seen her influence on our website and all of our materials, but is also the author of an upcoming book called Notshow Housecat. And this is a really fun project and I can't wait to dive into it till before we begin though, let's start by talking and saying hello to Ashley and learning a little bit about her Hi Ashley. Hey Michael…thanks for having me. I'm super excited to be here and to talk with you I know we talk a lot because we work together. But I'm I'm excited to talk more about this book and how the book's gonna have such a huge impact and also…how it kind of ties back with IE and all of the amazing stuff that IE is already doing Our first question for you today is gonna be something pretty simple We've been talking about this for a long time but I really wanna understand your passion for why you want to write a children book We'll get into why we wanted you to you write a children's book but why do you wanna write a children's book That's a great question Michael So I've been wanting to write a book for years and years I have a thirteen year old daughter and when she was a baby and toddler, That was one of our most cherished times together reading books. She loved the rhyming books They made her laugh And you know as a parent watching your your little kid laugh is just I mean it's everything. So…I sat down numerous times I had a very specific notebook and I would write my children's book ideas in there And sometimes I would write a little bit about that topic And then I'd kind of get frustrated with it and just put it away So it never ended up getting done. Fast forward to…about three or four years ago I start working with IE and I come into IE, you know as a marketing person not a scientist. So I did not know a lot about Jaguars I didn't know a lot about animals that you know weren't animals that I encounter on my day to day life. So…that was kind of a slow process and through like, designing this this graphic or helping with this project or that project I learned a little bit more about you know these kind of animals here and there. And…so I guess it's been a eight months or so when I really thought okay. IE like a big part of IE is education…The founders are educators. Like how can we how can we…put all of this together and move IE forward but still do the children's book that I've always wanted to do. And I think that's about the time I came to you and I was like well what if we just wrote a children's book about jaguars? And so here we are. And here we are Exactly We have actually have a publication date of of July twenty third So we are here. So this book that you had this idea about okay this is kind of fun It's called Nacho Housecat. And, I'm I'm gonna admit when you first gave me the the title I thought it was kinda silly But then again, I am the scientist and not necessarily known for creative type things sometimes, but tell me a little bit about why not show house cat? What's the story behind this? Oh I'm so glad you asked that Michael because I love this part of it So you know I feel like…Science can sign sometimes be a hard thing to put in front of kids because it's learning And we all kids associate learning with going to school and getting up early and nobody likes to do that. So I was thinking how can we make this fun We want kids to be like excited about it. And so…I kept going back to the idea of jokes Like that's nacho cheese you know. The those kinds of things And I started thinking okay Well, If we're riding for kids and kids they do know cats Most kids have a a pet cat or a pet dog and if they don't have it their grandma does or their friend or their neighbor, so they know about cats…but they most likely don't know about Jaguars because it's not something that we encounter normally, unless of course you're at the zoo. And so I I really wanted kids to to see that that they are cats So they're part of the cat species…but They are not your house cat So while they are cats you cannot bring them in your house You cannot treat them like you would your your little cat. And so I and I thought that nacho Housecat was kind of a fun way to make learning fun. I think that's great especially from our perspective You know one of our big projects is the Human Jaguar Conflict Program in Belize and it's working with the Belize zoo. And when that name is a little bit misleading because they sometimes say they deal with problem jaguars Right Well are no problem jaguars There's jaguars that unfortunately have have had interactions with humans and usually because the humans don't understand them Even even the country of Belize or in the United States where you're not gonna see Jaguars You may be wondering why don't we put them all in zoos or something So I think that books like this which are designed to you know start to educate people at a very young age that that you know learning learning things about them is is fun And you've placed a a decent amount of science facts inside of a very small book. There's a lot of learning to be had in just those few pages but, I think it's very important that children, you know like I said earlier not only understand that they they are considered cats they have a very important role in the world that we live in, but there's also a certain amount of, like we can appreciate them for the magnificent beautiful creatures that they are. but I also want kids to recognize that they are not these we can't bring them home and cuddle them. Well you shouldn't Right I mean you probably could but you shouldn't Probably could…It would be a very bad idea Very bad idea. So, gonna shift gears here just for a second We're gonna come back to this I'm gonna have to ask you a little bit more about the illustrations inside the book in a little bit But…I really wanna kinda get this out there because I think you had a real turning point with regards to this book we talked a lot in the beginning. About about publishing a book and we even had you came up with some crazy deadlines of the three weeks and you know you're gonna write it in a month Okay And we're sitting here a couple couple of months after that and worrying about the process about becoming an author. but you had a real…motivational moment. Okay I believe And I'm gonna take a real guess as to when it was when things kind of like shifted into high gear for you And that was with…a very very young jaguar by the name of Filly. Can you tell him tell me a little bit about Filly What you know about her Okay But more importantly how did this…Little Jaguar, okay who's in the human Jaguar conflict program with the Police Zoo currently. How did that change things for you? Oh I just love Filly I just love her. So she so I was I was working on some marketing material for the Blee Zoo and for IE. And…you sent you had sent me a picture of Filly and…to this day Like that is one of my most favorite pictures Like she is just…well, if if I can for a second if we can go back to the Habitat for Jag's program and and just speak to the fact that I feel like Jag Jag Wars they they get a bad rap in the sense that you know…they are super powerful creatures and they they can do a lot of damage. But but they're so amazing…And so I think it was that photo of Filly for me that like I just looked It's like an up close picture of Filly. And, yes she's a very big jaguar but you see that face You just see like…she is still just an amazing…creature and she…she has a different role than normal house cats play in our world, but she is she'll just oh…she'll just melt your heart Like I just she doesn't look vicious and she doesn't look like I mean you know like their jaw strength is is crazy strong Like they Jaguar could do some massive damage if that's what they chose to do But when you see this picture of Filly and I have worked with so many marketing pictures of different jaguars and I do I think they're all beautiful They're you know they're all a little bit different. as our cats at home are Right That's another kind of parallel. But I don't know Like I think so many people are scared of them because they are big and you hear this story and that story But when you see that picture of Filly you're like oh my goodness Like she is precious…I think we all have one of those moments with Jaguars Everybody at IE does where we first see our first Jaguar, okay or first out of our first inter counter with them And you realize that the amazing nature of them that you know they're they're they are an an impressive creature…And when we say human jaguar conflict okay it's usually like I said it's usually humans causing conflict with jaguars. Jaguars are generally fairly peaceful and rarely have anything to do with humans unless they absolutely have to So I think that's that's a that's an interesting story I'm I'm glad they did that you know that moment I kinda knew it was We kinda planted that on you to get you moving a little bit So…with Billy. Okay so becoming an author, Hey joining the club. Everybody at IE all three of the founders are all associated with publishing So we've been this game for a long time It's always fun for us especially me Okay Just see…that spark…Okay The you know the initial idea of being able to put your thoughts on paper and…So I'm gonna ask you a question of fun one Okay now you're soon to be a published author. Okay And, Tell us about what you thought the process versus what you expected…Oh boy Okay. So…I was like oh children book. That's a breeze I can knock that out like real quick. I really thought it would be like you know, I I I sit down and I write this today. And then, you know I get an illustrator and you know give them a week or so and then just put put some stuff together and then there we go. that is absolutely…not what the process looks like. I've both. No. No. It's it's an awesome process It really is but it is a very long process and there are days that are trying just like with anything Like if if you if there's something you really really want there are always gonna be little obstacles and and things to…to overcome. It was a lot longer than I thought but also it's like seeing you know seeing the the images and and the text and everything put together and seeing it you know start to look like the book that I had had in my brain it it's even better than I imagined. So I guess what I'm trying to say is on some level I'm a little thankful for the process because you know what The person…that I was in that mindset of I'll children's book in a day and then we'll just draw some pictures and put it together. I have well I have so much more I have so much respect for authors and illustrators than I did like when I started this but I don't think the book would have turned out…as great as I feel that it has turned out in that initial mindset that I was in Like you know that oh we can just crank this out And it's gonna be glorious…because over the last six months, we've…rewritten text and then gone back and forth about illustrations, and it looks a good bit like what I thought it would and it looks a good bit different, and…all of those things make it…this this wonderful book that I am incredibly proud of. I can remember we were probably a month into this, book You had written the first couple drafts, of the text And it is a children's book Okay But it is a it's a bits even though it's not you know you know hundreds of pages long or something It has a really important message and it's very visual which we'll get back to in a second But I remember we were probably about three weeks in and you had already written the text like okay So I'm gonna start the next one now I remember thinking next one what? Right In order you know the next book You were like this is done Okay I I yeah I'm gonna knock these things out I'm like, oh okay…And then just even just a couple of days ago we were working on the revise revised revised, revised version of the final final final proofs…as we as we move forward I thought Okay We'll see how this goes Okay next book. And I really do hope there is gonna be a next book because I know what your some of your plans are but we'll we'll save that for maybe a later Safuck. I do want to take a moment because you and I have recently sat down with David Taylor your illustrator. And success…of any children's book is obviously based largely on the work of your illustrator. and not just the science content which we were obviously involved with in the authoring of the text but the visual aspects of it. And David brought a unique perspective to this So what I wanna do is just take a few moments and play that…interview for our audience, and we'll we'll be right back…Here today with David Taylor the illustrator of Notjoe Housecat, Hi David Tell us something about yourself. I was a librarian. that was my profession but I always loved art I always painted on the side with things…for friends or paintings in my house or whatever. but I thought I would write when I retired as a librarian. But painting took over So since two thousand one I've been calling myself a painter an…artist. I a friend…did a story about…dogs in our church and wanted me to illustrate it. And I thought that'd be wonderful A children's book about dogs lopping around the church. And so we did that. it was I just did watercolor it was very easy because I could…make the dogs look exaggerated i could I put them in in the environments that people in the church would recognize. So there isn't much work to it. and so we sold it to to members of the church and got our money back basically. So it actually asked me would you like to do a children's book the idea of jaguars…in a in a a zoo in Belize, I didn't know much about that. But I thought well I can learn. so I started doing sketches…in fact as I first of all, Ashley and I did a lot of conversation about her story. I did a lot of sketches I guess…reams of sketches…of of…jaguars and cats and little girls holding cats and so on but…There was a problem. I found out fairly soon after I got started…that Michael didn't want…my…comics…versions of catalog…It wasn't I didn't like them. Okay This was this was one of my favorites. I remember that one Yes. I do remember that one too Yeah And this one yeah, it turns out that Michael wanted scientific…illustrations. Practically. and I thought, okay How does it talking Jaguar…Be scientific. How how do we do that That's do I make his mouth move Does he is a human face with a jaguar body And…It took a while for me to figure out how to do this And so Ashley and I talked about this a while and I came really close to just resign and say Ashley I don't know how to do this I'm sorry. I I think I need to quit. And overnight I said I can't do that to Ashley She's put so much into this. And she'd have to find another illustrator. So I'll have to learn how to do it. So I…I'm gonna say that you did an amazing job too I really did. From from from the early ones and I I imagine that the earlier versions would have been absolutely incredible in the book okay about really the accuracy and the beauty of what you bring to the Jaguars in the in the main book is really…it's simply amazing You did a great job So sorry to put you through that. This this is my first question Okay. Hannah I actually do a jaguar that looks like a jaguar So Yep…And that made me feel okay I can do this. But I was going to use watercolor. the easy…thing for for this kind of project, but I took some watercolors I done for some of the pages and took them to be scanned at at Staples. And the colors just did not come through They were not bright enough to do the job I for a children's book. And so that's when I decided it had to be acrylic on canvas. So that's the then Let me go back also too. I still had the concrete How do we do this And actually suggesting…that the jaguar can be in the house, not in the jungle, in the house. And that sort of open up everything Okay…Okay So…I can actually use…my own interior house…And put jaguars in it. And and and so…that's what led And then I I think I invented the I the term…house cat house. Right Yes I thought this house could be four house cats seven three house cat cat So anyway…that led to to what what transpired. Well I gotta mention to everybody that who's listening that, when they see this book they're actually looking at I believe it's twenty nine canvases correct? I mean not not the ones you threw away but there was there was actually twenty nine separate images that were painted. Okay So it's not in the day of you know digital manipulation okay These were actually painted And usually, Any times as you're mentioning David because often I would come back and say that's not a jaguar…Right And I'm sure it was much throwing of canvases around. Okay. Understandable…Okay. But I gotta tell you that the the the colors…you feel almost the texture of the of the of the canvases inside of in inside of these things is is simply is simply amazing I…I can't I can't wait to you know have you see it okay and have everybody else see it too. I have a couple questions for you okay as well and some some some of these parallels some of the ones I've been asking Ashley too So, you know, we built this book for a very specific purpose. Actually had a dream and we decided…roll it into it inspired adventures our big jaguar conservation and education campaigns, which is really a cornerstone for one of the things that IE does. And what we're always interested is when we when we take people on these journeys whether to belize, or Ashley wanting to build a book and we take her through our vision of what you know what we'd like to do is…you know at the end of this when you look back you know how did this type of project influence your understanding of Jaguars and in their place in the world What do you think now I mean did you spend a lot of time drawing Jaguars? And obviously you did a lot of research on Jaguars because the pictures are are great. Didn't know anything about Jagwise before. I mean I knew the name and I knew that they were a big cat but I didn't know about their place in the world. Relation to the tigers and leopards and lions and so on so it was it was interesting to find out They were they were very impressive. They climb. They swim. They are…the the chief…predator of of their environment. and…that was also an interesting problem for me talking to Ashley about this…because…we don't want kids to be scared…and yet they're scary So how do we do that And that was I think having him in the house was probably the answer to that You know having him just do things…in an an an ordinary environment…that still will save those tech By the way the…Have they ever wondered…why…the front cover and the back cover the the house is leaning? I am an artist I don't question those types of things…I stick with questioning Jack Wars. I'll let Adam after that one well no I mean I had that thought But again I'm I I mean I figured there was a reason but I just kind of figured it was just part of like your artists expression…but I'm guessing you have an answer for us So…Well I it this happened. And then I discovered oh yes. That's right. Because…it's fantasy So…what happens in in the house, isn't real It's it's a fairy tale. Yet in the house everything is is like a three o So we want it all to happen, but we're at we're getting a…the information about Jaguar is cross And the information is is accurate, but the story itself or the the where it occurs is…just…something that's indended. No That was that's I just realized that about the front cover and I said oh yes Okay So the back cover has to repeat that. I like that. It's a children's book. Okay And it's been very lovingly and with a lot of labor prepared okay by the two of you. What would you want to be the takeaway message…of this work to the general public Like Jagar's are…unique. They're wonderful. They're amazing, and they need to be protected. I think it comes through very nicely in the book. I think the art does a night's job of showing that you know, at at every state the jaguar inside the house is in a very very uncomfortable place right? Doesn't like to be there And every time you put them every time you put them outside they seem much more…relaxed. Even if it's just inside the door right just laying there with his head inside the door Right He's very happy being on the outside of the…And so are the other cats happy to see it on the outside as well obviously So…Yeah And some of those cats in that we're actually based upon your cats I understand too. Yes Although…I I used illustrations of airplanes I did find them Photographs of cats But yes there was there was a cat in in my wife's lap that actually ended up in a little girl's lap. You know. Great That's great Well I know that I wanna say how much that the team and inspired adventures appreciates what you've done. This has been a passion of ours to reach audiences of any age to build things that it you know push the educate boundaries…and and bring what would appear to be very different groups together…And having the chance to work just as even as a science consultant in this book and having inspired adventures involved with it on behalf of me and both the other founders of the company. I can't thank you enough for the work you've done It's absolutely gorgeous. Okay And I can't wait to get out to see the general public Have you like it? Thank you David…I can't wait either. It's been a long process. So, okay. Well and I just wanna say thank you David Like you did an amazing job Like you really brought this book to life and I love it I love the canvases so I picked up the canvases for Michael yesterday, and they're already in my office. And I want to frame…the cover to hang in my office as well So I'm pretty excited about it but thank you David. As you can say he is a very creative individual and and gave a lot to this would you have to say about David's work? I well I absolutely love David's work I think my my most favorite thing is that they're paintings…These are actually paintings on canvas…and it's it's not to me that's just an extra level of of talent and it it gives this it gives this book dimension…I feel like Like Michael said I mean children's books the content, even though we do we have a lot of good science content here. and I'm very happy with the content. I feel like the illustrations just kinda take it to a new level. And then add to that the fact that they are hand painted. I just aren't CGIs…Everything nowadays is CGI Right You know you're gonna have you know you you can pixar anything I mean not knocking Pixar because I'm not obviously Pixar but this is hand painted. So whenever we made a change which happened…regularly. Alright He literally had to go back and scrape canvas and repaint. Yes Not just select and delete and they are impressive…And, I think it was a great choice. In the beginning I was questioning it and not David's ability but the idea of how we were doing but I think in the end you have a very visual book which really does look very nice as well Well thank you I think so too And I like I said I love how it's like the paintings give this book an extra element of texture…I I don't I don't know how to describe it but trust me when you get your copy, You guys will see what I'm talking about. Yeah Wait. Well, you know what inspired adventures we spent a lot of time trying to look at innovative ways of approaching science education We're all teachers We've been here for years and done of almost anything creative we can to reach people. And I think that this book does an amazing job okay of introducing people to one of our passions which is Jaguar Conservation. So…what would you want okay to to be your legacy…okay of how this book could enhance…public awareness of Jaguar Conservation what what would be your dream with a student being a a student or a reader seeing this book I want young readers to to be excited about science and excited about learning about…the wonderful creatures that are on this planet. Because there's there's a lot of them And I really I I like starting with this Well I like this for a lot of reasons because I love the belize zoo and I love everything that IE is doing with Jaguar Conservation and the belize zoo. And I think that this was a good place to start because…kids know cats They know cats but they know cats as their house cats. And I wanted them to see a different perspective of cats They're still amazing. Beautiful cats but they play a different role. And so I really want kids and hopefully even their parents because maybe they're reading it together. I want them to to see that these creatures are incredibly important to our planet but we we have to know how to interact with them and how not to interact with them. And so I thought the best way to do that is…to take what kids do know their house cats and then explain to them that while jaguars are cats as well they're still different. And so it's it's a good lesson on how things can be the same but also be different…Perfect so…before we finish up is there anybody you would like to give a shout out to Okay To to thank for this process and everything you've been through. Oh boy He says before we finish up like this is gonna be the section…there's so many so many people I think first and foremost like I'm super thankful for for you Michael, because you are an author and you have…not only like, guided me even before this book. Answered my science questions and some of them were kind of ridiculous He was like didn't you learn that in like seventh grade science class Ashley? But you've been just a huge resource…all along the way like helping me learn and understand these animals…helping me understand the process the writing process, the publishing process, everything. And…I e as a whole Like Dave and Eric like all of you guys are so passionate about what you do. And I am living proof that the passion that you three carry rubs off on other people. Like so spend enough time with these three guys and you will love Jaguars too. And some other animals that you didn't know how to name before you met these three guys But but after meeting them you love these animals. So I'm I'm very thankful for Michael and for the whole IE team, also, the police do They are doing fantastic work They love each and every each and every animal that they they bring in and they are are just so committed to conservation efforts into making sure that they just…each animal has the best life that they can and…those of us that aren't at the zoo and see the things that they see Like they they do such a good job at helping us see how we can be involved and included. They're just all amazing Everyone at the Belize zoo. And David, I really do wanna thank David because as the author I did have the ability to go in and highlight and delete. And then retype what I wanted my change to be But David did not, and he spent so much time and energy into making such beautiful illustrations…So it's everyone…and then probably some people I have it mentioned that have come together to make this book possible. And that leads me to Palmetto Publishing. It has been an incredible experience working with Julia. At first It was Julia And then once we got our project manager Western, they have been great in guiding us through what this looks like helping us know like okay Now we need you to decide this and decide that because…that's the other thing that I've learned is it's not just about writing the book and…getting the illustrations but it's a big process There's so many questions to every…it's like every time I'm I'm turning a corner it's like well you could go left or you could go right Do you want gloss Do you want matte? You know And so there's there's so many things that go into this and I'm I'm just very thankful for for those at Palmetto Publishing too. That's great And thank you Ashley Thank you for taking the time to to talk with us about your book And for all the amazing things you do for inspired adventures…you're a huge part of the whole habitats for Jags' campaign. And I think you are this is a great story for our sharing science…a season. And I'm looking forward to seeing the book finally in our hands Okay And getting some copies down to our friends at the zoo. And see what they have to say about it as well So thank you very much and we will be seeing you very soon. Let me plug in one thing too So just in case this comes out before my book release which again, on July twenty third so mark your calendars…but I also have a website ashley moseley dot com and some little pieces of illustration…are are of the illustrations are already up So if you just can't take it anymore you just have to see how fantastic this is gonna be You can definitely check out ashley mosley dot com? Definitely will do that. Thank you Ashley We'll be talking to you soon. Thank you Michael.. In our next episode we're gonna return back to the Belize zoo We're gonna be talking with the zookeepers to take care of Filly and we're a little bit more about her story It's a really special episode I think you're gonna like it Thanks for listening. If you have a story you'd like to share Please get in touch with me at michael at inspired adventures dot com…